We at Sound Out Media providing timely best product reviews, market analysis, renowned expert opinion and recommendations for the audio industry on various topics like Best Wireless headphones for TV
Words have enormous potential, and we are aware of it, when we talk about online space, the scale of opportunities surpass your thinking limits up to infinity.
Today’s world is all about world wide web and digital media; we can’t even imagine life without its existence in every walk of life.
Online Marketing is the deadliest marketing tool riding on digital technologies especially the Internet, the lightening fast weapon of communication & information.
Thus, we want to bring all best creative minds into a platform and let them unleash their potential and creativity in concern field.
To find, analyze and to channel of top best opinions and in a way providing a chance to show their creativity to the world. A passive way to assist in the development of our community and people.
In another word supporting the best-talented brain and help to grow as an asset of the nation, world, humanity.
This scholarship is an opportunity for all passionate students having an interest in online marketing and show their creativity to the world.
The reward is $500 amount scholarship, which can utilize in any education or research related investments.
All those students currently studying or related to the field of Business management, IT, Communications, Marketing, Mass Communication or any Digital media courses or having an interest in online marketing can avail this opportunity.
Besides these above mention fields creativity and a passion for online space and marketing sector deemed fit to participate.
Hope, most of you find this scholarship program extremely beneficial and believe you can achieve it, what are you waiting for, contact us immediately for all relevant details.
An Amazing opportunity to win a $500 amount scholarship.
We want you to show your best creative side about Online Marketing and draft an appropriate content piece of about 500-1000 words on this particular topic ‘Online Marketing and its importance.’
The content should include the following –
The student perform best will receive $500, and the amount can use in education, research or other related
Just create an article of about 500-100 words length and send us in word .doc file. Also, can add the URL of your website ( If you have any).
Once you did this, e-mail us at scholarship@soundoutmedia.com with all correct details mentioned below with attached word document.
Following the submission of your application, you are permitting us to use your content for marketing and promotional purposes.
The Scholarship program’s last date of submission is 31st March 2017, the announcement of result by 30th April 2017.
Reward check of $500 will be mailed out by 30th April 2017.